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Decor Floors Engineering Limited (Decor Floors)
Decor Floors Engineering Limited is a one-stop shop for flooring solutions, from entrance to exit.
In addition to being sole agent for leading brands in floor coverings and accessories, we also offer comprehensive installation services, and are an approved supplier of flooring products to the government.
We serve a wide range of clients from the residential, educational, healthcare, retail, and private sectors, as well as the government. With over 15 years' history in Hong Kong. We are well-recognized and trusted for top quality products, expert sales and after-sales services - which naturally leads to referrals and new clients.
迪高地材工程有限公司 (迪高) 迪高地材工程有限公司為客戶提供一站式服務,從入口到出口的地板材料都應有盡有。 除獨家代理各地的名牌地板材料及配件外,亦提供周全的鋪設服務,我們更是香港政府的認可地材供應商之一。 我們的客戶類別繁多,包括住宅、教育機構、醫護機構、零售業、私人企業及政府機構等。我們在本港至今已經營超過15年,專營頂級的地材產品,並提供專業銷售及售後服務。我們一直廣受歡迎及信賴,自然贏得現有客戶的推荐和新客戶的垂青。
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迪高地材工程有限公司 Decor Floors Engineering Limited |
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